Lumen Series is the new line of phone cases by Otterbox. It is exclusively designed for the new iPhone14 and offers a range of unique and colorful options with a shimmering pearlescent shine.

Otterbox team’s only request was to demonstrate the protective features of the case as well as the MagSafe compatibility with the Apple technology. We took an abstract and metaphorical  approach to showcase all color options and features of the case. The  final video allowed us to be more playful and have a lot of creative fun with this spot.

This visual execution is driven by the presence of spherical soft body objects interacting with the cases and subtly highlighting their features. Spheres are meant to imply day-to-day case usage and evoke a feeling of the device always being protected and looking great.

Client: Otterbox
Agency: Mass FX Media

My Role:
Creative Development, Art Direction, Design, Motion Design